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Structure a Novel with Save the Cat
Lesson One
Creating a Compelling Hero (1-7-21) (112:33)
Lesson Two:
Act I and First Half of Act 2 (111:02)
Lesson 3
Raise the Stakes (84:59)
Lesson 4
Not Your Mother's Genres and Whydunit (128:05)
Lesson 5
Rites of Passage, Institutionalized, and Superhero (118:07)
Lesson 6
Dude with a Problem, Fool Triumphant, and Buddy Love (91:33)
Lesson 7
Out of the Bottle, Golden Fleece, and Monster in the House (140:21)
Lesson 8
Pitch Your Novel! (140:52)
Dude with a Problem, Fool Triumphant, and Buddy Love
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